Corporate Social Responsibility & Enterprise Technology
Corporate development
Lomak provides different scholarships to both the primary schools, middle schools as well as the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, etc., and hence, in assistance to the students with financial difficulties to finish their studies andfurthermore, encourages the on-job continuance studies. Lomak also participated different schemes in supporting of local student employment, which may cultivate the youth’ working attitude and hence, create new ideas for different enterprises’ long-term developments.
Lomak continuously make its contributions in Corporate Social Responsibilities. In the year of 2010, Lomak made its donation of 3000 flashlights and lanterns to the refugees who suffered earthquake catastrophe in Qing-hai and furthermore, made its cash donations to the PRC Red Cross.
At the end of every year, Lomak will open its DongGuan Research and Development centre to the students from Guangzhou Art Academy, and share its experience in industrial design and innovations. Lomak will also provide working opportunity to the students and pick the outstanding graduated students to work in Lomak.
Commitment to the customers
Since the year of 2014, Lomak promotes its own brand and products – BIOMAX, the product series for home-use beauty device, which creates additional values and provides good products to both the consumers and the market. Moreover, BIOMAX also provides the related products as well as the lifestyle information for beauty and the relevant services.
Lomak looks important to the relationships with their clients, and provides update technical development information and data to their clients from time to time. Under the client’s requests, Lomak may also establish and providing the marketing schemes and supports to their clients, emphasize the advantages of the products and hence, brings the ideal returns, profits as well as brand values for their clients.
Environmental Protection
Lomak puts their efforts in the operation of power saving, and vigorously achieves the goal of “green manufacturer”. Lomak made their investment in liquid waste sanitize system, which may reduce the pollutions from liquid waste significantly. Such system may sanitize the liquid waste for 250 tons per day, and the sanitized water will be used for irrigations and fish ponds in the whole development and manufacturing centre.
In the meantime, the gas-cleansing facilities in the development and manufacturing centre may purify the exhaust gas that produced during manufacturing process. Under the process of air- filtration, dust removal and purification, pernicious gases will be purified and then discharged, and achieves the goal of “zero pollution”.
Lomak also encourages their staffs to take considerations to environmental protection at every particular, reduce the using of papers, waters, materials and fuels, which may reduce the pollutions against environment, and make protection to our earth.

Social Cares
Lomak provides different scholarships to both the primary schools, middle schools as well as the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, etc., and hence, in assistance to the students with financial difficulties to finish their studies and furthermore, encourages the on-job continuance studies. Lomak also participated different schemes in supporting of local student employment, which may cultivate the youth’ working attitude and hence, create new ideas for different enterprises’ long-term developments.
Lomak continuously make its contributions in Corporate Social Responsibilities. In the year of 2010, Lomak made its donation of 3000 flashlights and lanterns to the refugees who suffered earthquake catastrophe in Qing-hai and furthermore, made its cash donations to the PRC Red Cross.
At the end of every year, Lomak will open its DongGuan Research and Development centre to the students from Guangzhou Art Academy, and share its experience in industrial design and innovations. Lomak will also provide working opportunity to the students and pick the outstanding graduated students to work in Lomak.
Zhao Guang Jun & Lomak Light of Life Programme
Students from GuangZhou Academy of Fine Arts to Visite Lomak Research and Development Centre in DongGuan
Staff Cares
Lomak looks very important to every staffs and also their job safety. Lomak provides social welfare insurances and protections to their staffs and also provides living quarters, children care centre, medical centre, library and also different kind of amusement facilities, which may take care the staffs’ daily life and release their life pressure, hence the staffs may concentrate on their jobs and duties.
Lomak also holds the project of “Lomak Academy”,that the lessons are given by different department heads and management, which the aim is to share their studies and well as their working experience. For the staffs with outstanding performance, Lomak will recommend them to the EMBA course which holds by Qing-Hua University, Beijing for further achievements.
Lomak strengthen all staffs’ knowledges,works together with all staffs in clear directions with designated common goals and hence, creates new values and opportunities in all dimensions.

Enterprise Technology
With outstanding design and technical teams, Lomak may works on both the captioned fields with predominance. Meanwhile, Lomak continuously renews their manufacturing facilities at the fields of systematic flows, automations and intelligenize, which may reduce the operation manpower and save costs.
Under continuance creations with advance technology, Lomak acquired different appreciative criticisms in both innovations and productions, and consequently obtained various global honours in different international awards.